Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Pride and Prejudice- Volume 1

By Jane Austen

Will I be beaten and flogged for what I am about to say here? Is there something inherently wrong with me, as a woman, for feeling as I do about this beloved piece of literature? Will Heather still love me??? These are the questions swimming in my mind as I prepare to write this update on my dive into the world of Jane Austen.

At first, I found it rather charming. I enjoyed our dear Elizabeth Bennett (and still do or I do not think that I would be continuing on without her). The formality of the world seemed interesting and I was able to, at first, overlook the desperate matching of men and women based on their material worth and "accomplishments." I appreciate that, indeed, much of this world was born out of necessity and the fact that a young lady's future rested purely on the marriage she entered into. What other option did a young lady have? None. And yet, as this has been the ENTIRE focus of the book so far, I am finding myself a little bored. The introduction of the exasperating Mr. Collins, along with Mrs. Bennett (mama), has done nothing but annoy me utterly.

All I can say is that Mr. Darcy and Mr. Bingley better get their butts back in the story soon because I do enjoy the exchanges between Mr. Darcy and our fair Elizabeth. Her spunk self-confidence and ability to overcome the time she is born to makes her delightful. I am hopeful that the second section will charm me more than I have felt as of late. I am not sure that such "proper" classic literature is my cup of tea. I will finish it, but I am not smitten.


  1. Hands down the second half is the best, but I'll wait until you've finished so as not to ruin anything.

    We needed to see why Mr. Darcy does what he does. He's a man of wealth and influence. The actions of Lydia and Mrs. Bennet make me cringe all the way through, but we get a better understanding of why Mr. Darcy wants nothing to do with the family. It makes what follows that much better.

  2. All right my love... Your comment has intrigued me. I'm feeling quite a bit more excited to get back to it now. :)

  3. HEATHER- I am starting to be smitten again. Just read Mr. Darcy's letter after his denied proposal. It is back to being a page turner for me... Gotta know what happens next! :)


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