Sunday, January 17, 2010

Selecting Slaughterhouse-Five

By Kurt Vonnegut

In an effort to start this thing off honestly, I will tell you how I decided upon this book. It just so happened that I was poking around Facebook, reading up a little on one recently friended colleague that I was curious about and wanted to know a little bit more about, coincidentally the friend that made the comment about knowing the characters in a book better than those in his own real life, and I stumbled upon a note of his, marking which of the classic books from a list he had read. The dude had read 63. It was stated that the average American has likely read 6 of the listed titles. I, with red face, admit that I only read 4. Yes, my friends, 4 and 2 were children's lit.

So, I looked at the list and decided to read the ones that I had always heard about and thought I should read. I decided to start with Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse-Five for an even more embarrassing reason and I shall share that with you now (honesty, remember). Kevin Bacon. Footloose. One of my favorite movies as a girl (and if you put the theme song on, I can show you a totally bitchin' and all-together all-to-literal dance routing I made up as a child to it... Just imagine "Everybody cut, everybody cut" performed as written and you'll get the idea), Slaughterhouse-Five was mentioned in this classic piece of American cinema as a partner in the "should be banned along with dancing" type of vibe. So, there you go, the forbidden book from Footloose. That's why I picked it. Enjoy snickering at me at will. :)

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